No offense taken, and I assure you no offense meant. I have profound respect for all the regulars here at the Axiom forum (why do they call it "message boards"? Not objecting , just curious. Is that Canadianese? ) who have been so kind to me, and many others. I AM new to the "boards" and am still learning the etiquette.

I completely agree that it is silly to think that buying a more expensive speaker is necessarily an "upgrade" in quality. (However, it sometimes CAN be) And, I also agree that, all too often, that is how the word "upgrade" is missused. But as you are now aware, I wasn't considering buying the M60s because they were more expensive, and therefore better, but because I have hopes they will solve a perceived problem with my 22s. My wallet and I profoundly wish they cost the same as the 22s.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton