I don't think raising tweeter height is such a good idea now that I've done that..... If the speakers are used for general entertainment in an area where folks spend most of their time on their feet, it's great. In a HT though, not so great. The speakers I have in my great room for example, I did have them on the floor, so their tweeters were about 46" high (Wharfedale Opus speakers). When entertaining guests, I always felt that something was missing, so I moved them to sit on the fireplace mantel (roughly 16" high). This was a good move - for entertaining. But not so good for TV or Movies.

If you are sitting 20' away or so from the speakers, I suppose it wouldn't matter if they were on top of the subs or not, but I bet you won't like too much if you are sitting closer than say - 15'.

The ohter possibility that I'm open to, is that it's all in my head and doesn't make a damn bit of difference....