On the surface, just looking at your current set-up the stumbling block I see is that you have TWO players. Ideally, if you had an updated Oppo BR player(BDP 93 or 95) this would negate the need for switchers or even more costly, a new updated AVR. You would have the 8 channel analog out of the player in to your present AVR which would enable you to get the lossless sound codecs from Blu-Ray discs while at the same time getting full use of the video processing and upscaling of standard DVDs with the HDMI video connection going in to your monitor. This would still leave the other HDMI input for your Fios DVR. This would be a lot easier to program in to your remote as well.

As I see it, just one too many components here to simplify things while at the same time max out your performance.