Similar to the QS8 vs. the M3 question...but as my subject line's just for channels 6 and 7. Which would be my back surrounds for DD-EX and DTS...and I suppose for music as well...but I'm a HT guy (let me insert here that my side surrounds - channels 4 and 5 will be QS8s). So here it is. I'm really looking for feedback from people who are running 7.1. I'd especially like to hear if anyone is running an M2 or M3 or M22 for their back surrounds. Have at it guys! And of course the question is...which will work and sound better? One more bit of info. The speakers will be placed apx. 6-7 feet behind the couch and about 8-9 feet up (using brackets to angle them downwards). My room is 15 ft. tall and this was the best place I could place them. So this is what I have to work with. And thanks as usual!

"We're on the island of Misfit Toys"