Ray3, a little off-topic but I might have to ping you for more 3803 setup info soon. I don't even have the receiver yet, but I already have a million questions. I've had Yamaha separates for almost 20 years and I'm just now thinking about surround sound. So I'm a little slow to change. I may even keep my Yamaha M-60 amp for my M60 fronts (hey, M-60 and M60, an eerie coincidence!) Most of my questions will come during hook-up, such as when/why/how optical/coax/component/S-video. My current setup is so basic and I know I'm going to need more cabling but I'm not sure what, since once again, I don't have the receiver yet. Right now I'm only using one set of component video cables (directly from DVD to TV) and high quality analog audio cables from DVD to pre-amp. The TV is a bitchin' new Sony 50" LCD with gobs of inputs but for digital cable TV and VHS (cheap, and rarely used) I just use the TV speakers. I only crank the front speakers for DVD movies (and music) so far.