bigjohn: The fronts are actually further from the wall than they appear in the pic. They are about 2' out. My viewing area is about 8'. Obviously I can't get that much seperation betweent the front due to space constraints. To the right is a 2' high, wall to wall cobblestone hearth. To the left is a sliding glass door. So I really don't have a basis of comparison for their current placement.

As far as the hardwood floors I did notice a difference before I laid the carpet. The carpet is a wall-to-wall remnant that I had bound. After I laid that down I noticed that the sound softened up quite a bit.

Capn_Pickard: I hear ya. It has to be something spectacular for me to drag myself to the theater. And on the rare occassion that I do I have to get there about an hour early to ensure I am first in to get the seats that I want. In the last few years I have seen LOTR: TTT and ROTK, Finding Nemo, Monsters Inc., and Star Wars AOTC (4 times). That is it. This year the only one I want to see so far is Dawn of the Dead and I might see The Day After Tomorrow. I'd much rather wait, in most cases, to watch at home. Sometimes I don't even know why I bother at all with the theater because I almost always end up renting whatever I see to catch anything I might have missed.