Hi carlo's. Welcome to the forums. After 30 yrs with my beloved pioneer speakers i began my search for a home theater speaker. My research led me here and i bought M2's QS4's and vp100. I loved them from day one, and have since added M80's. These speakers sound great and fall right into a price range i can handle.

I did some looking into the speakers you mentioned ,and although i have not heard them i will say a few red flags went up that would dissaude me. I went to their site and saw the price which is basically a blow out price - why? I read their reviews of which there are few, and none started with accolades about how great they sound,more about how they looked (who cares). The other reviews were from youtube -what . eek These speakers remind me of the 2 guys in a white van behind my credit union on pay day . laugh

Now i know enough about home theater to say that the speakers need to match sonically so which ever way you go i would suggest you choose a particular brand and stick to it.Use the full 30 days and evaluate both speakers with music that you know and love then make a choice.

I am not an axiom fan boy per sey and no one here gets anything for helping or selling , we are just passionate about music. As far as quality , axiom stands behind there product and act quickly should you have a problem and bend over backwards to make you happy. I know this first hand as they have helped me out quickly and politeyly.


Last edited by Socketman; 03/11/12 06:12 PM.

DOG is GOD spelled backwards.
What others think of me is none of my business.
M80 V3 MY GLOSS Cherry