I'm wondering if we are on the same page. From what I've learned about receivers (mostly from reading this forum) an analog connection means that your source (i.e.CD player) does the processing and a digital connection passing the processing to the receiver. It seems that in most cases it's best to let the source do the processing for music and this is what I would like to do as well. IMHO I think that I would gain a great advantage and it would simplify things a bit by using an ICBM because I would gain global bass management and wouldn't have to worry about which listening mode I'm in. I guess you could say I'm being a control freak *wink* The only digital connection would be for watching movies. However, taking a second read over the manual, it sounds like the AVR630's bass management IS global, giving me the same amount of control as using an ICBM. So it looks like this comes down to the question of which receiver is the better music performer (the HK AVR630 or the NAD T762) My gut feeling is that the NAD would be a tad stronger because of it's overall power ratings and design. I also remember reading someone's comparison between HK and NAD and they're opinion was that the NAD was better for music. Now if I have this completely wrong please let me know. Thanks for all the help.