Originally Posted By: Wid
Well, the topic came from another thread where it was claimed Axiom used smoothing and different levels to test their speaker. Hence one could not compare the two speakers in question because the measurements where done so different.

Originally Posted By: BlueJay

I am assuming Wid is getting his measurements off the Axiom website compared to that of Ascends off their website.

You can't compare the two simply for the fact that Axiom is using a 120db scale with smoothing applied while Ascend uses 50db scale un-smoothed.

These two factors alone can make a graph look a lot "smoother" when you cut down on the resolution.

Ascend also shows a whole suite of measurements including the polar response. To objectively compare the two you would have to compare the same suite of measurements using the same scale and preferably without any smoothing applied.


Yes, they are done differently and not comparable as I stated. You can't compare a single measurement of one speaker to multiple measurements of another speaker. Also consider the measurement technique is different between the two. Axiom obviously uses an anechoic chamber to measure their speakers and those are done quasi-anechoic.

I’m armed and I’m drinking. You don’t want to listen to advice from me, amigo.

-Max Payne