This one isn;t as obvious. All "Open Box" items at, are basically brand new. They say they are "open box" to maintain authorized dealer status with HTM. As usual eTronics isn't an Authorized Dealer, voiding any warranty that the remote had. Factor in the $25 at eTronics for the 1 year warranty which comes with remote, plus another $35 for the free overnight shipping from, and the remote comes out to $230, $25 more exspensive than

Am I going to argue with you over which place has a lower advertised price? NO. If you want pay the advertised price at either place, go for it. Thats your decision. I know that offers the same kind of customer service that Axiom does, the owner frequents many message boards, and goes by the name MikeSRC. You can PM any stupid question that you will ever think of and he will happily respond back with an answer with 2 or 3 hours during the day. Can you get that at eTronics? PM smetime and ask him about the condition of "Open Box" remotes and he will tell you that they are either still brand new in the box, or used to help program a customers remote back to "default" settings.