Originally Posted By: casey01
Originally Posted By: BlueJays1
Originally Posted By: Lampshade
Why is it 300? Seems fishy.

There is nothing fishy about it. Future Shop is one of Canadas largest A/V retailers. It's a legit company first and foremost. Why are they selling these products so cheap? Since API was purchased there has been a lot of discounted pricing and/or massive sales on Mirage and Energy products. It's been going on for a few years now. For that reason the resale value has bottomed out.

Remember, Future Shop is owned by Best Buy, so with all their issues in the US relating to a slow down in business(remember Circuit City?)the upcoming closing of stores and a CEO who seems to be in trouble personally, who knows what the future holds?

Vanns and other retailers in the United States are moving product on Mirage and Energy at even sicker prices. This has been the trend since API was bought out. I think this is largely due with the new direction the company is taking with these brands.

I’m armed and I’m drinking. You don’t want to listen to advice from me, amigo.

-Max Payne