You know what's funny about the "what-if-itis"? If there was no VP150 (think back to the day when the VP50 was standard fare), then we'd all be perfectly content with the VP100 - and you wouldn't even hear complaints on the board about "why don't we have a bigger center channel.... We'd all be perfectly happy.

We are all so afraid to have inadequate equipment for some reason. Maybe it's Freudian. Maybe it's the whole "well for a quarter more you can super-size" thing. I don't know what it is . But I do know this. If the crap that I've been playing my movies through is "adequately" powered etc., for my room now - I can only imagine what an upgrade to the VP100 will be like. My thought is that I'll be pretty blown away.

But, then again, if I'm blown away by the VP100, what would the VP150 do for me .....