You've got an exponentially more expensive audio processor, and not only a much larger number of speakers, some full range, some not, but to experience what that guy did would mean something light-years more pricey than Axioms. Of course when you are using them (or planning to use them) in a mixing environment for multi-million dollar movies, then you want to spend the bankroll on the gear.

I am waiting for laser sound. That is where a small array of lasers can "inject" sound EXACTLY into the sound field location that you want using focused light. At that pinpoint in space, it excites the molecules in the air and produces sound waves. You would only need a couple of these arrays on the ceiling OR front/side/rear, whatever configuration works for you, and they are almost completely hidden as you only need the laser emitters exposed, and not entire speaker cabinets. Calibration could be very precise. You could either create an audience "bubble" in which the lasers could stay out of, or even have it scan the room with the current occupants, create a safe buffer around each person, and then with the moving lasers, you could have sound start in the back of your room or something like, say, a bee flying around. The lasers, could direct that bee, or even a swarm of bees, so that the sound goes literally right around your head in a swarming fashion, before going towards the screen. The sound would be fluid and not "jump" from one speaker to the next since it is moving with the laser.

That's what I want! I'd call it the DTS Lasres.

Farewell - June 4, 2020