Originally Posted By: Powertothepeople
England all the way!

Just so there's no confusion, I like the SOCCER team. The British Monarchy can like the dog sh#t off my wheels!

Originally Posted By: BlueJays1
England along with Portugal are the countries I like cheering against the most (players that are on the team more than the country). Will Wayne Rooney and Cristiano Ronaldo perform another disappearing act playing for their respective countries?

I'm with you on Portugal.

Rooney has matured a lot in the past while, and I think it will be exemplary in his performance this Euro.

No team is void of poor performances by their top players, especially in massive competitions like Euro or the World Cup etc. It's fair to call out players, but I think it's also futile because it's the past. The transient nature of human performance in a team sport not only relies the individual, but also the players around them.

Criticize a player for their performance a year ago or more, and they'll quite possibly make you look like a fool the next.

The only reasonable argument for owning a gun is to protect yourself from the police.