Receiver, we don't need no stinkin' receiver!!!! That can come later; the Sony will let you swim in the pool just fine for now.

I like the M22s, I like the VP100, I didn't hear surrounds????? (QS8s). Now (adrenals ON), let's talk SUB. I'm sure the Axiom thing would be good. Spiff is gonna show up soon with HSU and I'm going to stick my SVS finger in your eye.

The M22s save you $400 from the M60s ($300 if you consider the cost of stands). You had money set aside for the EP175. You don't appear to be going after surrounds right now (we'll use the M22s for surrounds in a couple of years when we move to a bigger place and get M60s for the fronts) and there is no need for a new receiver. Spend the bucks to get a burly sub. You won't thank me for this now, but in years to come, you will likely name your children after me. (By the way, that's "3" for short). (Adrenals off).

Seriously, you are in a grreat place to let these dominoes fall very well. A HSU VTF2 or a SVS PB1-ISD would be an excellent choice right now. They'll last a long time ad grow with you. You want enough bass now and in the future and these things will just work. If you don't get enough sub now, it will cost more $$$ later. The Axiomite chorus will join in soon, but this is another direction for you to consider. It's fun going through this isn't it?