Chris, I'm pretty much with Ken here. Get a pair of QS8s now and wait for the rears. There just isn't enough out there in 7.1 to worry about the extra 2 speakers. This will leave enough to grab the SVS 20-39 PCi. I have M60s and love the sub, but you will really need the sub with the M22s. I have one in a 16x22 room and it is great. There is plenty "subwoofing" still available, if needed. You will get much more appreciation out of a quality sub for HT than you will from a set of rears.

Now, having said all of the above, I read through your posting and I'm a little fuzzy on the budget. Getting into multiples of speakers got me a bit confused. Have you considered M60s for your fronts? That size room is starting to ask the M22s to be a bit heroic. Once you consider the the required stands for the M22s, the difference to the M60s is about $300. If you get the VP100 instead (I have one of those too and it's terrific), you can lop off another $130 to apply to the M60s.

Again, I'm a bit fuzzy on your budget, but M60s/VP100/QS8s and a 20-39PCi brings you in right at $2000 and you get a pretty special system.

I seem to have twisted my self into several knots here. Hope it's been helpful.