I am the very happy owner of a new HT system. Based on reviews I read on other web sites, I decided on Axiom speakers. It was many of the threads on this site, though, that refined my choices for a sound system. I just wanted to post to say a very big thank you to all who regularly post here. Your comments helped guide me in several ways:

1. I got M60's, VP100, and QS8's. I might have gone a bit smaller if I hadn't read many of the threads here. (My room is about 15 X 19.)

2. I went with an SVS PB1-ISD. I am very pleased with how clean and tight the bass is. Perhaps the Axiom sub would have been as good, but I can appreciate buying from companies that specialize in doing one thing very well. I never would have considered SVS without having read this forum.

3. I bought a Yamaha RX-V1400 based on many recommendations here. I had been planning on buying something cheaper and more generic, and I'm excited by the sound and features of this unit.

4. All the positive comments on this forum gave me the confidence to order the Axioms and waive the return right, saving 5% (which I would not have known of but for reading about it here).

5. Maybe most importantly, thanks for the strong recommendations here of an SPL meter. I set up my system about a week ago, got the sub and hooked it up a couple days ago, but still wasn't as wowed by the sound as I had expected. In particular, the QS8's just didn't seem to be a big factor in the overall sound. Tonight I got an SPL meter and discovered that the output from the surrounds and the sub was low (despite having used the Yamaha's YPAO). After calibrating the speaker output, I am truly blown away by the sound of this system, including the QS8's. I might never have realized how critical a sound meter is without this board's strong recommendations.

I got the Axioms in Mansfield Beech, and the SVS in Goldenrod. The SVS is more yellow than it appears on their web site and isn't a great match with the speakers, but it all works well with our newly decorated room.

At the same time, I bought a Panasonic 42PWD6UY plasma, and it is also superb. For anyone considering buying a plasma online, I recommend Visual Apex, which seems to get nothing but rave reviews and certainly gave me good service.

Thanks also to the Axiom rep I spoke with when I ordered my system. He assured me the M60's wouldn't be too much for my room, but he also told me I probably didn't need the VP150. I'm very happy with the overall sound of the Axioms, both for HT and audio CD's. I'm having a difficult time tearing myself away from the HT room!

For a good sub and surround experience, chapters 21-23 of Spiderman are great: echoing voice, rainfall, fight scene, falling glass, sirens, explosions, music. It really let the system shine.

So, anyway, that's my story. Kudos again to all of you dedicated posters here!
