Just demo-ed the m60s at one of the volunteer's place. It was good, clean but couldn't quite put the finger at what I was missing until the sub got turned on. Then it was WOW.

It was then that I realized why I just kept going 'round in circles. Every time I'm sure I'm getting the towers, I listen to either the towers or the bookshelves with a sub and think "I can't live without one (a sub)."

Admittedly, I like the extra punch to my music and although I like the clean, detailed and openness of the m60s I realize that no matter how what I would always feel a tinge bit of dissatisfaction without a sub to go with it.
I don't want to be feeling that with a pair of 800-dollar speakers!

I'm thinking, maybe I need to reevaluate what my sound priorities are again. I realized few things after the demo session:

1. I probably will never use these great speakers at full volume in my 15x13x9 bedroom
2. I can't live without the bottom end-A sub
3. I need to draw the line on what I'm willing to spend ultimately right now (as in till end of this year) : m60s plus a good sub is really not the amount of money I want to spend on speakers right now

So basically, I'm back at square one. Thinking of getting m22s with a really good sub so I can get more bass than just the m60s.

My question:

1. $800 m60s + $ 200 sub= $1000
2. $560 m22s + $400 better sub= $980
3. Between 1 and 2 which is a better idea? (Now that I know I want a sub and don't want to wait a long time to get a good one (money money money).)
5. The difference between a $200 sub and a $400 one

Here it is again: HELP!