First off - Peter... ICK! Is that link showing a guy running 22ga. wire via .250 spade connectors?!? SHAME!



Ahh, I just finished (well, thought I did - adding some cable runs this month I think) my rewiring of the new house (8 telephone, 5 cable, 3 ethernet, 2 in-ceiling speaker). Getting runs where you need them is just planning and patience.

If you're going to drop from the attic into an interior (uninsulated) wall, it's a simple matter of finding where the top plate of the wall is - either measuring from a known reference or zapping a tiny hole up through the ceiling beside where you want and measuring in from there - I use a piece of wire coathanger cut to a spade point on a 3/8" drill for this "depthfinder" job), drilling down through the top plate (1.5 - 3" usually) into a stud cavity, cutting a hole at the level you want to mount the speaker jack, mounting a low voltage mounting bracket through the drywall and dropping a weighted fishline down, grabbing it and pulling it through... attach your wire at the top and use it to pull through.

If the wall is insulated, you'll have to use a fishtape or rod... I've got some stiff aluminum stuff I use that I snagged from my father at some point... try to run it down the inside of the insulation down to the speaker jack cutout and use IT to pull the wire through.

If you've got that new spray on expanding insulation that they keep showing on This Old House... hope the contractor installed conduit or you're just ******.

Bren R.