Guess what I just received and set up in my basement yesterday?

Denon 3805
M60ti, VP150 and QS8

except: SVS PB2-isd (still waiting for shipment)

Axiom are incredible. Ordered on Saturday, shipped on Monday, received on Wednesday.

Didn't have too much of a chance to play with the system last night since it was 11pm when we finished tweaking everything, but damn did it all sound sweet.

I did stick my Tannoy bookshelf speakers up on the rear wall for 7.1 and to use for DVD-Audio. Maybe I'll upgrade these to some M3s later to have the matched set look.

Can't wait to get the sub now and get rid of that POS box I am currently using.


M60s, VP150, QS8s(3), SVS PB12-isd, Denon 3805, Emotiva UPA-7