Overall a decent review and the writer is quite good at fence sitting.On one hand you could ask why would you put the M100 against a $18g set of speakers, on the other you have to wonder what else they should compare them to. I am no audiophile, I don't pick music apart in the same way the author does. I think given the price difference the M100 stood up pretty well. The only problem I have with the review is that the author somehow believes he can recall what taj mahal sounded like in a certain venue years ago, honestly. The author's electronics speak to his eccentricity as a whole. He believes wires etc affect the sound,and as such maybe the axioms required a different wire combination than what he was using. I still put this in the win column.


DOG is GOD spelled backwards.
What others think of me is none of my business.
M80 V3 MY GLOSS Cherry