Originally Posted By: Serenity_Now
When it dies I'd go epson again. There are better for sure, but $$ dictates. smile...

Yup, $$ dictate. I've been reading on projector central and AVS. It seems that the BenQ 1070 can't be beat until you go over $2,000.

My understanding is that the BenQ is equal to something like the 8345 less the lens shift. A slight plus goes to the BenQ if you care about gaming (Might end up with my son next summer again).

It seems like the choices are as follows:

1. BenQ 1070
2. Epson 8343 if I need placement flexibility
3. Step up to something like an Epson 5030ub, Sony HW40es ... for $1500 more if I really care about black levels/contrast AND can set up a proper light controlled environment.

I'm guessing I'll get black levels similar to my A5050 XSRD with the BenQ. OK, but not great. I can live with that.

I just want to do a sanity check before jumping in.


Blujays1: Spending Fred's money one bottle at a time, no two... Oh crap!