That is a cool document. I will admit that I just scrolled (quickly) down until I got past all of those "words" until I saw pictures. LOL

No, I always do that with long articles just to skim through to get an overview of what it contains. It lines up with what I read elsewhere about my soundproofing for my theater. It comes back with a STC of 57 for me, which is more than a rating of 50 which is considered good for home theaters with loud sound sequences, but not quite the 60 which is good for home theaters at full volume all of the time.

I got that from page 3 of the following document:
Soundproofing Home Theaters and Media Rooms

NOTE: My link above I just found when googling a few minutes ago. It seems like it kicks into high product advertisement mode just a few pages in, so don't take it as ideal advice or that I am even suggesting any of the methods there. The link in chesseroo (where I didn't see a lot of specific brand products mentioned at all, which is more unbias and what you want). Heck, I didn't even really read before or after the chart on page 3 of my link above.

Farewell - June 4, 2020