Just out of curiosity, you didn't indicate where you heard the CM10s,(in a retailer, someone else's home etc.)? In any case, of course, these are two different speakers of quite different designs. One thing I have learned over the years is that when your spending this kind of money, you really won't get an accurate picture of what they sound like until you get them in to your home in your environment and unlike many retailers, Axiom gives you that option. Also, if this is of concern to you, other than their top of their top of the line models, most of B&Ws speakers are now made in China. Axioms, of course, are built in Canada.

Perhaps those on this forum will be somewhat biased, however, with the design of the LFR1100s and the bigger soundstage(great for both movies and music) along with the electronics(DSP)included in the package, in my opinion anyway, the choice of the LFR1100s is a no brainer.