In reply to:

i think it would make criminals rethink their choices.

But it doesn't, and this is also well known. Capital punishment has never deterred homicide rates and this is a primary argument against that very law. Two ppl having guns when being held up only INCREASES the chance that someone will get shot and you can be sure the criminals will do what they can to make sure they get you first.

If you want every household to have a gun, move to a country like Rwanda or some of the other stricken S.African countries where every man, woman and CHILD has a gun!! (literally). Those countries are doing oh so well and what put them there? People with guns that decided to start revolutions for a large part.
Don't think it can happen in America?
The public certainly has enough guns to pull it off.

Guns beget more guns, period.
Eye for an eye, mine vs. yours, you shoot me, i'll shoot you attitude does not make for a peaceful society whatsoever.
Try carrying mace instead.
Non lethal and brutally effective. For anyone who has ever been hit by mace, you KNOW what i mean. (This is not some paltry pepper spray i'm referring to).

Twelve kids a day on average is TOO many regardless of the source of the shooting (accidental, intentional or negligence). Sights i care not to see in our country thank you.

"Those who preach the myths of audio are ignorant of truth."