I had trouble lining everything up this time. Not sure why.
The legs for the screen should just fit between the subs. Just.
Catch is the gap I had/wanted on the one side will be gone. The screen will be roughly centred. No harm, it will be back where it was before I started only 3 inches further into the room.
The real issue will be setting up the subs with no access and no screen movement freedom.
I won't be able to tuck the legs under the 2x4 mounted at the bottom of the wall and it looks like I'll need to add an additional one in front of the centre tower joining both legs to keep them square to each other. It didn't matter before, I had a foot of swing/wiggle room without the subs behind the screen. It will be tight. I can move the uprights the legs are attached to but would like to avoid the extra bit of hassle, at least for now.
Will try running the receiver at +10 with the the subs at their lowest power levels, just out of curiosity, and go from there.
I need/want to drop the screen down closer to the floor so the lowest woofer can fire forward un-ubstructed.
I'll be restretching the screen this time too. It'll be nice to have a taught screen again.

Last edited by brwsaw; 02/01/16 05:40 PM.