Earlier this week, I was in a hospital waiting room with others needing an MRI. I had just finished chugging a quart of tasty barium, when a mom, dad, and a tyke walked in.

As they were looking around for a seat, the 3 and a half year old pointed at me and said, "Let's sit behind that old man."
I started laughing. His parents tried to ignore it,though obviously embarrassed, and hurriedly headed to some open seating.

Next to those seats was a man about 50 with a shaved head. When it became apparent to the boy that they weren't going to sit where he wanted, he pointed at me again, and said, "NO, THAT old man over THERE!"

I was laughing so hard, I was coughing. The father came over to me and said, "So sorry, 3 and a half, no filters." I said, "He'll be fine. I'm 59 years older than he is and I never developed any!"

Later, a man about 10 years my senior sat next to me wearing a baseball cap that said only, "Vermont." This filterless writer asked if Bernie had given it to him. He said, "No, it was the product of free enterprise."

Can't win fer losin'.

Last edited by BobKay; 02/20/16 07:20 PM.

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.