Originally Posted By Ray3
Thanks for the sentiments! BTW, let Bob know I won't be wishing HIM a Happy Birthday next time.::sniff::.

And JohnK - you are one seriously birthday tracking dude! Thnaks my friend.

Even when you are not here, Ray, I wish you all the best and think of you frequently.

I do not participate in HBD's here any longer as they are exclusionary and under the whim of one person, not Axiom. I personally wouldn't give a shit (and used to think it was funny), but then I figured out that there are others here who are deliberately excluded as well. That's different.

If it is not egalitarian, I'm out. Well, me AND Bernie.

Happy (69th?) Birthday Ray. I'm at least close. I DO pay attention.

Always call the place you live a house. When you're old, everyone else will call it a home.