
Thanks again for quick your response - nice to hear some informed and responsible answers in a hype-filled industry.

I am, like everyone else, in the throws of a purchasing decision and have a couple more follow up thoughts I would love to get your input on:

1.) I realize the M80s absolute output at 40Hz is about equal to the M40s due to its greater overall sensitivity but its still down a good 5dB. Isn't a relative flat response more important, assuming I can turn up the volume to achieve the desired absolute SPL with out distortion?

2.) I always thought that crossover design and quality components were highly important to the sound - and that theoretically two (or more) perfectly matched
drivers that could be used without any crossover would be the best design. Agree? Anyhow, reviewers make it sound as if the M3 uses no crossover for the tweeter and only a high-pass filter for the woofer(s) and that perhaps this contributes to the great sound. Not so??

P.S. How early do you get to work???