So after a lot of soul searching and visiting stores, I am deciding to get separates. Anybody has luck with sunfire Amplifiers

I may be getting dealer price on these.

Is the first one too much? 800W at 4ohm. Will it be an issue for QS8? It says on the product page

How much power does my receiver need for these speakers?

Home theater receiver with 40 to 120 watts per channel.

My other speakers are M80s and VP180 and EP350, so should be good at 4 ohm.

Would the 7201 be good at 400 W at 4 ohm?

Samsung 65" 8500, xbox 360
Sunfire AV7702
Marantz AV7704
Sony UBP-X1000ES
M80s, VP180, QS8s, EP350