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(Oh, and 60 shmixty. [tounge] )

Out of curiosity, what is it that you curl? I'm only 5'8", so for my height it's a very good amount. If I am not mistaken, you are very tall, correct?

Heck, I'd think for anyone of any height who is only on creatine and protein shakes, 60 lbs per arm is a pretty high number on free weights. (Obviously the machines, when put to "120 lbs," don't count, as they usually aren't accurate.)

I see people at the gym curling some 70-80 lbs sometimes, and I can only wonder how much Androstenedione/diol they are using. I also can only laugh at how they will have so many hormonal problems as they stop taking them due to their usage of prohormones now - heh.