New Addition to the stable.....
I got in a wood veneer black ash Bryston Model T sub woofer. I am now up to three subs, and counting.

The Model T mains are of course up front, the EP800V4Bourbon/Gin switch is to the left at 90 degrees, the EP500V4 is to the rear at 180 degrees and the new, gorgeous Model T sub (105 pounds) is at the right at 270 degrees.

Pretty interesting: the bass is much smoother, more musical, well rounded and just soothing. No big nodes in the room and it's just like being in a small club with a really good bass player mixing in with the music. But the house shakes; I love it.
OK, now Ian said I hit sub nirvana at 3 but 4 is where the amplitude really kicks up a notch along with the smoothed response I am hearing. It's a good thing I am now single, I can do what I want.....

Last edited by Slimpikins; 11/26/18 02:48 AM.