JohK hit it on the head. Almost can't make a mistake in the price range you are looking at. You may want to add the Denon 3803 and 3805 to your short list (more features than the 2803), but the 2803 is an outstanding receiver. Since you can take them home to audition, let your ears guide you.

BTW - I debated the same thing you are right now before I bought the Denon 1803 (now 3803). The sepaqrates were a tad pricey, but manageable. I finally went after the 3803 because of the features it offered. my sense was, unless I wanted to spend more than I thought necessary, was the 3803 (as well as the 2803) was the better choice. If I felt that II needed more power, both of the Denons act as pre/pros and an amplifier could be added later. I currently don't feel the need for an amplifier. The 3803 is a beast. Please pardon the rambling.