I too have Seymour XD and it is great. 138" at about 10 feet away. If you are concerned at all about seeing the weave, they also have a finer weave material that is more designed for 4K capability, but you can get within a couple of feet and not see the weave at all with a projected image.

That being said, it is super crisp with a 1080P image from 10 feet. Closer than that you will see the weave with super bright white parts of an image before you will see any noticeable softening of the image.

Before I went with the Seymour XD, I had samples from several screen manufacturers with both AT and non-AT materials. The biggest difference, and really only noticeable difference in image was the non-AT materials had more potential gain in the screen material. If you have a good projector though, that won't be a big deal.

Farewell - June 4, 2020