Originally Posted By MatManhasgone
Sounds like a standard 80 vocoding effect. i guess that what was once old is now new again

Hah, you're right... I missed the vocoder sound at the start so wasn't as precise as I intended.

I was talking more 0:15-0:30 and 1:24-1:40, sorry about that.

During the break at 0:45 it sounds like maybe shifting her voice down a couple of steps (or could just be another singer)... maybe during the leads they're mixing some of that frequency-shifted vocal in, but it doesn't quite sound like that. Think it's more likely to just be auto-tuned and non-auto-tuned vocals mixed together.

Or maybe I have successfully avoided auto-tuned vocals for long enough that I have forgotten what they sound like without any other effects.

Last edited by bridgman; 02/02/20 07:12 AM.

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