Love your idea! As a fan of axiom for many years and a pure marketing guy at heart, I can say that a cosmetically improved cabinet would go a long way as it seems axiom is in need of a cosmetic upgrade more than anything. Axioms sound amazing, and no one argues that fact, even the haters... love listening to the haters complain about price increases and lack of cabinet upgrades but confess to an amazing sounding speaker! Personally, for axiom to move forward in 2020 they need a new heritage line (heritage meaning they go back to their roots as a HUGE industry disrupter, as the original ID value speaker company) I think the active book shelfs would be the perfect speaker, but it's important that they go to their roots and figure out how to offer this as a value line. Book Shelfs with a DSP and improved cabs is a tough order, but I know it'll pay off much better than the axiom air. (as a business owner, I hate it when people make obvious suggestions discounting the work and cost involved and their like "you'll do amazing!".... yeah I just did that and couldn't even stop myself! lol

Lots of speakers from many
manufactures...mostly Axiom