Kodiak, when Ian heard my Bose 601 Series II, he innocently said with a big smile on his face "They sound like some bands are missing." No doubt. The M80v2 were parked next to them and you'd have to be deaf not to hear that stuff was missing out of the Boses. That was in 2007. I thought about what he said for a decade. I kid you not. I kept thinking "How could someone like Amar Bose make such a mistake?". Of course he didn't. He was actually quite brilliant about how he solved "room problems" for the masses. The speakers don't really make music but the masses don't care about that.

Anyway, they are gone after 30 years of ownership. As I described in the ad, I made sure the buyer understood he wasn't going to get real music. He said he understood and didn't care. He says he loves Bose. Paid me asking price and we moved on.

House of the Rising Sone
Out in the mid or far field
Dedicated mid-woofers are over-rated