Not sure how to search this forum to see if this has been discussed before, sorry in advance if it has!

Currently thinking of an amp upgrade for my M5s, this is my first music only stereo set up, is in my cabin so not everyday listening and originally had a budget of about $500. Currently running my dad's Old Nikko STA 6060 and just doesn't have the power @32W per channel at 8ohm and have been getting annoying distortion on certain taxing parts of songs. Room is 7'ish ceilings and sort of an open space 15'x20'ish.

I am a bass player so I prefer the low end to be heavier and few things make me happier than hearing drums that sound like I'm at the venue. For this I know is a heated topic but to boost/Control the lower end to my preference I will likely include a Schiit Loki EQ smile

I've been researching and have come up with:

Schiit Set up - Vidar amp, Loki EQ, SYS Volume/Input Selector, and Mani Phono Thoughts on this? It's over budget but not crazy and seems like it would do nicely for me. A little worried about transformer hum issue with the Vidar...

I also found a Used Bryston 3B-NRB online for $499, I could use in a similar set up but in lieu of the Vidar difference between new W 5year warranty and Used but tried and true.

HT - M80v4, VP160v4, QS8vOLD, PSA V1500, Anthem MRX520
2.1 - LFR 660, Rythmik E15, ADA1000+DSP