Great job! I have great respect for anyone who uses the language well.

When I was young, and my brain worked, I was quite articulate, and at times eloquent (he said modestly). Things have changed (old age; too much fun in the 1970s), and I find myself fishing for the right word, and struggling to write a logical, coherent paragraph. When young, it was, and still is, a great joy to hear someone articulate what I've felt, and have been unable to adequately express. Your "Final Assessment" paragraph did just that, although I've not experienced the "hall" sound you mention, and hope I don't.

I had the 22s for a week, and noticed what I felt were "gaps that...exist...between the M22 mids and the sub." That made me order the 60s, and VIOLA! The "more complete sound" of the 60s was quickly evident. I'd like to echo your advice to those on the fence. If space and budget constraints dictate choosing the 22s with a sub, don't hesitate. You will NOT be disappointed. It was with reluctance that I returned mine. But, if you can afford them, and they fit into your space, get the 60s.

Thanks for the excellent write up, Turbodog.


"People generally quarrel because they cannot argue." - G. K. Chesterton