I recently purchased a pair of M5HP (awaiting delivery). I enjoy mainly 2 channel stereo, but have been out of the game (everything was in storage) for a while due to kids and moving around the country for school/work. I was a poor student back in the day, so my previous gear wasn't anything special, but hopefully respectable cool

Currently I'm using the Elac Debut Reference dbr-62 in my living room. They sound decent a lower volume levels, but seem to bottom out and distort when I turn the volume past halfway on my integrated amplifier (Sound Artist SA-200IA 200w@4ohm/channel).

Room: 30'x18', all hard surfaces, fairly empty with the audio rack at one end and the sofa at the other end.

Chain is: Media Streamer with Arc Room Correction > Topping E30 DAC > Sound Artist SA-200IA > Speakers

In the past I've used (Speakers: Athena B2 (in storage), Athena F2 (in storage), Klipsch KG 4.2 (sold).

I have in storage (have small kids): B&K AV6000 Amp, B&K Pre-Amp, Paradigm Pre-Amp.

I know the M5HP will blow the Elac dbr-62's out of the water for bass. I'm curious how forum members feel about the 100hz and above performance between the M5HP vs the Elac dbr-62 (or any of the other speakers I've had in the past).

Any advice as to any inadequacies in my 'chain' or any advice how to get better results on what I currently have.

All advice and criticism is highly appreciated.
