Headphones are the Wild West. They promise the moon but you can't audition most of them in the store, and most people buy them for reasons that don't have anything to do with performance, such as price, branding, or pedigree.

Crinacle is an almost-good site to see if there's any design flaws. I'm more inclined to trust the Harman Curve and various other competing target curves than I am with his own B.S. (bass-shy) target curve, but there's no reason to trust marketing when you can just look at the frequency response measurements and see if it's a dud. That Sennheiser RS-175 isn't listed yet.

I'll be in the market for a set of noise cancelling in-ear monitors soon. I gave my Sony WF1000XM3's to my son after their battery life dropped from 6 hours to 1 hour on the left ear bud and 90 minutes on the right ear bud. I'll replace it with something that doesn't rely solely on a friction fit with the ear canal.

Author of "Status 101: How To Keep Up In A World That Keeps Score While Buying Into Buying Less"