Originally Posted by WornBadly
The suggestion of a portable speaker did give me pause for thought, but looking at the room again I suspect I'd just end up leaving it in one place anyway, so I may as well go for fixed positions.

One thought on this, I bought wireless M3's and portables with the idea of being able to easily move them around. I was not concerned about them audiophile quality, just music in the background. I came to the conclusion that M3's are too difficult to drag onto the deck, but the portables (non Axiom) have become speakers that travel to many areas of the property, and beyond. For example, I take one into the garage when working there, when gardening in the yard one sits on ledge, I pair 2 for deck parties, most hotel rooms have poor audio/video for music, , so tossing one in my luggage gives me my streaming services everywhere!