Originally Posted by BBIBH
You are digging too deep and causing yourself undue effort. Buy a sub. If it is not what you want, trade it in on another.

I'm a writer and researcher, so I dive into this stuff for pleasure. It's just not in my personality type to leave a subculture until I've turned every stone. smile

My game plan is in place. All the knobs and switches need replacing, so I'm forgoing fixing the Mirage. Plus I dislike the upfront $80 and $150 diagnostic fees just to get a quote. I'll be on the lookout for a used sub to tide me over until I buy a suitable replacement next year (likely an EP500 wireless, but who knows).

And it's good to know that subwoofer spec sheets have meaningful consumer information.

Author of "Status 101: How To Keep Up In A World That Keeps Score While Buying Into Buying Less"