I recently hooked up a Hsu VTF-2 Mk. II and using a Sound Meter balanced it with the rest of the system (M60's and some older Boston Acoustic bookshelfs as surrounds.) The volume level for my Rotel 1056 is normally around 60 for watching HDTV and DVD's. I have the volume on the Hsu barely cranked on with one port plugged and set to Bass Extension. It seems balanced (I set the speaker outputs with a 70db tone all around). My question is that relative to anyone's experience is this low volume setting typical? I mean we are talking 250 watts vs. the 75 per channel of the Rotel. The sub sits about a foot from a side wall and a foot from the builtin cabinets in the front. The room is 30x18, with 1/2 used for HT and viewing distance of about 12 feet.