Funny thing is that since Axioms are not sold in retail stores, most folks rely on reviews to assist them in choosing Axioms. I read a few reviews of the M3Tis years ago, and that planted the idea in my audiosotted brain that these were desirable speakers. Which ever review it was that I read is the reason I finally tried some Axiom products and glad I did. That's why a review like this one can do a lot of harm to Axiom.

On the other hand, great as our speakers are, there are more and more good competition for Axiom and Axiom can't stand still with its product line. So here's hoping for quality upgrades at the same price or only the smallest possible increase in price. Heck, Axiom could make upgraded cross over kits available to us with fancy capacitors and resistors maybe even drivers and keep us current without having to buy new speakers.

Enjoy the Music. Trust your ears. Laugh at Folks Who Claim to Know it All.