I am not going to bore you with my lengthy opinions but was impressed to share my thoughts. I have had my axiom system for about 3 weeks now and it just keeps surprising me. It consists of M60's, VP150, (2) QS8's, and (2) QS4's. All are being driven by a Denon 3805 until I add a Marantz MM9000 in the next couple weeks. Bass duties are handled by a PB2+. The funny thing is what is impressing me the most isn't the flat out night and day difference between the Axioms and my old setup but the subtle details instead. Of course when I first got them hooked up and calibrated I scoured my collection to find all of the action packed titles to put in, which included LOTR, Terminator, Matrix, Gladiator, etc, etc. While all of these movies sounded great they just didn't blow me away. Words like increased sound stage and better FR came to mind, but nothing that just slapped me in the face. The part that blew me away was when I had in For love of the game. This is definitely not an action flick so I was not expecting anything out of the ordinary. This is where I couldn't have been more wrong. For a medium dollar budget movie the surround use is phenomenal. Closing your eyes you'd swear you were on the pitching mound. You could hear the croud buzz surrounding you and at the same time distinct voices and boos were anchored in mid air. The same goes for the M60's. The minor details were starting to be revealed. The subway train that was barely audible could be heard in the distance. And all of this was being picked up at well below reference. Master and Commander (even though I thought the movie SUCKED) was awesome to watch (or should I say hear). I had some friends over and one of them actually got up and went to the door because he swore someone was knocking. LOL. I love the whole system but I would have to say the shining stars in the lineup are the QS8's. They really bring the life to the movie. Now if only they would come out with 7.1 discrete I would be set.