I had the M22's and traded them up for the M60's in the last couple of months. I have another week on my 60's. It looks like at the outlet you can upgrade for 190.00 more. I love the 60's and the upgrade from the 22's was well worth it for me.
If I get time I might post a review of those. I have an Onkyo SR502 with 6ohms and 75 watts. On my 60's I rarely pump my volume above 55. My room size is 16 by 16 and my listening area is 13 feet from my speakers. I have them about a foot from the back wall and further away from the sides. I understand the dimesnsions are similar but for a little taller and two inches in depth between the two speakers. Is this overkill or not? I am not really any expert on this stuff. I do love the highs and am not much of a bass person. I do like the bass in the 60's though. Can you guys help a poor boy out??