Get a drill and a bit set. I rec. the ryobi 18 volt at home depot. Great tool for the price. Charges up fast and has plenty of power. You can get a complete tool kit if you want to--share the same two batteries and all work well. Anyway, sounds like you have plaster walls, which may look like drywall but are harder and will crumple when you screw into them. If that's the case, use masonry bits. Start with a thin bit and work up to size you need to insert a plastic plug. Plastic plugs will say on the package the size bit you need to use. Don’t buy them with the bit included because the bit they give you is horrible. Use a finishing nail and mark it with a magic marker to length of plug and poke it in hole until you’ve drilled in far enough. If you hit a stud behind the plaster, that’s ok. Just switch to a wood bit and drill into the stud. Then use the right size drywall screw. What I mean by right size is that when you buy the plastic plugs the package indicates the size screws it can take. Drywall screws have really durable heads so they won’t get stripped when you screw them in. Now the other possibility is you do have drywall but are hitting something behind the drywall and this is causing your anchor to not go in all the way and crumple the wall. Again use a small bit, drill in and you’ll know if your hitting something metal that is preventing you from getting through or hitting a stud. If you hit a stud you’ll get sawdust on your bit. Don’t pick a location above an outlet cause there might be wires behind the wall there. Another tool you might consider is a stud locator. However if you have thick plaster walls these tend not to work. Look at your wall closely. You might be able to see clues as to where the studs are. Are other things installed? If so where do the screws go. Are there vertical lines where dry wall sheet met dry wall sheet? Dry wall is installed either with nails or screws into the studs. Sometimes you can see where this was done. Plaster will be smooth though it can crack. Here’s another test. Take a thin drywall screw and try to screw it in a hidden spot. Does the wall crumple? That’s plaster. You might want to hold a piece of paper of cardboard or an open box under where you are drilling. Plaster will make a mess.