Ron- I installed a set of resistors after I replaced the tweeters on M-60s. The original tweeters were blown due to my amp blowing up, I assume, anyway. After I had installed the new tweeters, they were incredibly harsh which I attributed to them needing break-in time (I am sure that this is going to open up a whole break-in topic response from others who don't believe in break-in time, which I really don't want to get into). After a few days, they definetly had gotten a bit less harsh than how they originally sounded.

But what lead to my choice to add the resistors to my system was due to two other factors, mostly- my room and my Sony DVD player. My room acoustics aren't the best thanks to wood and brick floors, and a lack of furniture or artwork on the walls. Also, I've come to find out that this new Sony DVD player I recently got (ES model, though I don't know what number it is exactly) was not as mellow sounding on CDs as my previous Harman/Kardon player was.

When I get a chance, I plan on removing the resistors and do a critical listening sesson to see which way I prefer the sound.

Hope this helps.
