Jag, KC is absolutely correct! I should have made it clear that you MUST connect the receiver's PRE-OUTS to the amps' inputs and then connect the amps to the speakers.

So, for example, you would connect the preout from the center and back surround to 2 channel amp no. 1, the front L/R preouts to 2 channel amp no. 2, the side surround L/R preouts to 2 channel amp no. 3.

Works very well this way. Forget about the amp section of your receiver, you'll be using your receiver as a processor/tuner only feeding low level output signals to your outboard amps, and from the amps, amplified signal to the speakers.

Sorry! Hope you haven't tried to connect amplified signals to your outboard amps!

Enjoy the Music. Trust your ears. Laugh at Folks Who Claim to Know it All.